International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications

Volume XVIII, Issue I to VI (Jan -June 2024)


Sourabh Sanjay Mate1, Nikhil Suresh Kanthali2, Rahil Inamdar3, Suyash Yashwantrao Dhembare4 , Prof. Swarupa kambale5

UG Students, Dept. of CSE, Dr. D. Y. Patil SOE&T, Charoli, Lohegaon, Pune, India

Keywords - Blockchain, Agriculture, supply chain, BCT, Cryptography, Cryptographic Technique.


Blockchain technology has firmly established itself as a versatile digital solution, blending cryptography, data management, networking, and incentives to facilitate the verification, execution, and recording of transactions among parties. Initially designed to support secure digital currencies for streamlined payments, blockchain technology now holds immense promise as a fundamental framework for various types of transactions. In particular, agribusiness stands to reap significant benefits from this technology, serving as a robust platform for the execution of "smart contracts," especially in high-value produce transactions. It's crucial to differentiate between private digital currencies and the underlying distributed ledger and blockchain technologies. Digital currencies like Bitcoin, characterized by their distributed and cross-border nature, make it unlikely for central banks to effectively regulate the core protocols of these systems. Monetary authorities are primarily focused on comprehending the "on-ramps" and "off-ramps" connecting these digital currencies to the traditional payment system, rather than attempting to directly oversee and regulate the currencies themselves. In contrast, the distributed ledger aspect of blockchain technology holds substantial potential for widespread adoption within agribusiness and trade financing, particularly in scenarios where multiple parties are involved, and there is no trusted central entity overseeing the process.

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Xaveria Youh Djam¹, Nachamada Vachaku Blamah²

¹Department of Computer Science, University of Yaounde I, PMB 812 Yaounde- Cameroon.
²Department of Computer Science, University of Jos, PMB 2084 Jos -Nigeria.

Keywords - Software Testing, Mutation Testing, Linux Kernel, Regression Testing.


Mutation testing is a fault-based program analysis technique to assess and improve the quality of a test suite. However, it suffers from two main issues. First, there is a high computational cost in executing the test suite against a potentially large pool of generated mutants. Second, there is much effort involved in filtering out equivalent mutants, which are syntactically different but semantically identical to the original program. Despite three decades of research on this technique, prior work has mainly focused on detecting equivalent mutants after the mutation generation phase, which is computationally expensive with limited efficiency and its usage in large systems is still rare. In this paper, we propose a novel two-stage mutation testing framework for bug-proneness as a criterion to measure the effectiveness of test suite. This framework offers a method to tackle the complexity of large programs by reducing the number of mutants used. We present our experimentation using mutation analysis on Linux Kernel’s regression test suites generation on RCU (Read Copy Update) module, where we adapt existing techniques to constrain the complexity and computation requirements. We show that mutation analysis can be a useful tool, uncovering gaps in even well-tested modules like RCU. This experiment has so far led to the identification of 2 gaps in the RCU test harness, and 2 bugs in the RCU module masked by those gaps. We argue that mutation testing can and should be more extensively used in practice.

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